Project Consultancy
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- Project Consultancy
We provide quality design management.
We thrive in a challenging environment and though most of our compatriots would take a lack of transparency, slipping time frames, and rising budgets as a given, we most certainly don’t. Our entire firm is geared to manage your project in a streamlined manner that results in on-time and within-budget delivery.

Our process includes design-quality management reviews and consultant coordination, budget management, daily and weekly reporting, task scheduling, and BOQ (bill of quantity) verification at regular intervals.
Project delivery always on time and within budget. Over time, our connections to the natural world diverged in parallel with technological developments. Advances in the 19th and 20th centuries fundamentally changed how people interact with nature. Sheltered from the elements, we spent more and more time indoors. Today, the majority of people spend almost 80-90% of their time indoors, moving between their homes and workplaces. As interior designers embrace biophilia.

Weekly Supervision
Site supervisors are provided for timely supervision.
Hassle-Free Dialogue b/w the client and contractor is exercised by the studio.
Timely Boqs
BOQs are presented to the clients at regular intervals.